Βιβλιογραφία- πηγές
Οι πηγές της γνώσης
Τα κείμενα προέρχονται κυρίως από την παρακάτω βιβλιογραφία (τίτλος- εκδοτικός οίκος- συγγραφείς)
Sterne und Weltraum
Observational Molecular Astronomy, Cambridge, Williams- Viti
Very Massive Stars in Local Universe, Springer, Vink
Young Stars and Planets near the Sun, Cambridge, Kastner- Stelzer- Metchev
Galaxies Masses as Constrain of Formation Models, Cambridge, Cappellari- Courteau
Galaxies in 3D across the Universe, Cambridge, Ziegler- Combes- Dannerbauer- Verdugo
The Origin of the Galaxy and Local Group, Springer- Hawthorn- Freeman- Matteucci
Pulsar Astronomy, Cambridge, Lyne- Graham-Smith
Abriss der Astronomie, Wiley-VCH, Voigt
Die Sonne, OCULUM, Banish
An Introduction to the Sun and Stars, Cambridge, Green- Jones
Auf der Suche nach den altersten Sternen, Fischer, Frebel
The Nature of Dusty Star- Forming Galaxies, Springer, William Cowley
The Birth of Star Clusters, Springer, Steven Stahler
Unveiling galaxies, Jean- Rene Roy, Cambridge university press
Tidal Streams in the local Group and Beyond, Heido Jo Newberg, Jefrey L. Carlin, Springer
The Impact of Binary Stars on Stellar Evolution, Cambridge
University press, Becarri- Boffin
Not So Simple Stellar Populations in Star Clusters, Springer, Chengyuan Li
Supernovae, Springer, ByKov- Chevalier- Raymond- Thielemann- Falanga- Steiger
Formation, Evolution and Survival of Massive star Clusters, Cambridge uninersity press, Charbonnel and Nota
Astrophysics of Planet Formation, Cambridge University press, Armitage
Galactic Radio Astronomy, Springer, Yoshiaki Sofue
Interstellar and intergalactic medium, Cambridge University Press, Barbara Ryden, Richard Pogge
Star Formation Rates of Galaxies, Cambridge University Press, Andreas Zezas, Veronique Buat
The importanse of binaries in the formation and evolution of planetary nebulae, Springer, Henry Boffi, David Jones
Stellar Structure and Evolution, second edition, Springer, Rudolf Kippenhahn, Alfred Weigert, Achim Weiss,
Case Studies in Star Formation, Springer, Ducan MacKay, Mark Thompson, James Urquhart.
High energy astrophysics, Jorge Ernesto Horvath, Springer